
The harvest ended. No mulled wine needed this year

Almost on the same day as last year, this year's harvest of grapes ended at Sonberk. And so far, they seem to be in the best condition to turn them into excellent wine. Although at the beginning we were a little scared of rain, the weather was nice to our vineyard manager Roman Slouk and his co-workers. "By the end of the harvest I always prepare for people in the vineyard mulled wine to get warm in the morning, but this year we didn´t need it," Roman commented.

Under his leadership, this year a slightly smaller amount of grapes was harvested than last year, so 2019 is one of the average in this perspective. Berries, however, have an optimal amount of acids and above average sugar content. "This also applies to the Riesling, which had up to 24 degrees of sugar content, so it looks like a Riesling year," said Roman, who had to cope only with the fact that different grape varieties ripened at the same time, so he had a lot of work suddenly.

However, his work in the vineyard is not finished this year. In a few weeks we will start planting part of the new vineyard. And before that, our first wine of the 2019 vintage is going to be on the market. You can even now look forward to our typical dry Moravian Muscat.

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