
Painting with wine

Saturday 17.2. 13.30 - 16.30 h

What connects artists and winemakers? Well, the love of wine! And especially the one from Sonber!

Are you looking for a moment to stop, peace after the working week, during which you will learn something new and fresh?

We invite you to Paint (with) wine! 3 hours of wonderful flow with a glass of wine with the talented Ivana Tesařová, who has her project Iwana Art (https://www.iwana.cz). He will show you the basics of sketching, working with a brush, or even a wine painting. It guides you step by step through an artistic afternoon.

Also suitable for beginners, the topic is chosen individually.

The entrance fee is 1200 CZK/person. All art materials, a glass of wine, and something to eat are included in the price.

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Come for a glass of wine

Would you like to see and experience all this? We look forward to seeing you at Sonberk. Come and enjoy the view of Pálava hills.

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