We are very pleased to extend our long-standing cooperation with NoMen Run, of which we are partners. We have created two new marked running routes, which we would like to open together with you. Get your running shoes ready and we look forward to it.
16 September from 11:00 a.m.
What can you look forward to?
The official opening
Running the new routes and a reward
Because running and wine is a great combination, themed names have been created for two new routes. Plus, if you record your performance in a sports app and show it at Sonberk, for example, you'll get a free glass of wine. And now for the names...
Circuit 7 Riesling (7.7 km)
The name of the first shorter circuit. It starts at a winery where you can park your car and have a warm-up with a beautiful view of the Palava. Then you run and walk in the direction of Žebrák - Nad Hochberk - fortress - Sonberk. The route is mostly on asphalt, but through beautiful Moravian countryside.
Circuit 10 Pálava (10.1 km)
A longer route that initially follows the seven-track route. Above Popice, however, you will stretch the circuit through the charming Hochberk under the hill. Returning from the bottom after the service road, you will also pass the Stations of the Cross at Popice, and from there Sonberk is only a few steps away.
More information can be found on the Nomen Run website
One of the most respected Queen tribute bands in the world in June at the Sonberk Winery.
More informationJelen, a Czech acoustic music group playing so-called roots music. Songs from his work are based on popular music such as country, folk, bluegrass, and blues.
More informationDavid Koller, Czech rock singer, composer and drummer. He is one of the important musicians of the middle generation of the Czech big beat.
More informationThe most successful contemporary Czech singer-songwriter.
More informationWould you like to see and experience all this? We look forward to seeing you at Sonberk. Come and enjoy the view of Pálava hills.
Navštivte násRegister and get a 10% discount on the purchase of wines. In addition to an attractive system of club discounts for you, we also have a non-public wine offer.
More information
WINTER/ Nov - Feb
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 17:00
SUMMER/ Mar - Oct
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 18:00
Fri + Sat 10:00 - 20:00 (Jun - Sep)
According to the Act on the Registration of Sales, the seller is obliged to issue a receipt to the buyer. At the same time, he is obliged to register the received revenue with the tax administrator online; in the event of a technical failure, within 48 hours at the latest.
Sonberk a.s.
Tel: +420 777 630 434
or: +420 730 594 570
E-mail: sonberk@sonberk.cz
If we do not pick up the phone, we produce wine, or we serve guests, please be patient, we will get back to you. Thank you!